Monday, July 16, 2012

Cleaning Challenge: My Desk

Here's the thing, I'm bad at cleaning and I'm horribly unorganized.  I'll try to clean, things will get kinda clean, and in less than a week whatever area/room that I cleaned will revert back to the mess it was (or worse).  I try different ways to organize myself, but nothing ever seems to stick.  I'm also lazy, I was about to say a bit lazy, but that would be an understatement.  In addition to all that, I think I simply have too much stuff.  I need to use my space efficiently.

To give you an idea of how bad things can get, here's a picture of my desk.  This is usually as bad as I'll let it get before I start cleaning.

I wrote little notes all over if you want to see what kind of junk has found it's way on my desk.  Not everything is listed obviously, but I say my captions cover the majority of stuff.  I also didn't take a picture of under my desk, which leaves very little room for my legs.

I used to actually have a scanner on the left side, so just imagine all of that stuff on top of an old scanner ha ha.  My challenge to myself will be to clean up my work space and organize a good chunk of my things.  This will include getting rid of things I don't need/don't want (the pack rat in me is screaming).  I won't give myself a deadline, but I may post periodic updates.  If I simply give up, I'll also let you know that.  If I do end up getting clean and organized, I can't say how long it will last.  I know if I complete this challenge my husband will be happy :).

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