Monday, July 30, 2012

My Desk and Muffins!

After a few projects my desk is starting to resemble it's old self again.  Before I can work on any more projects, I need to clean it up so I can see the desk again.  I will try to make more of an effort to clean after every project or two so it stays fairly clear for my next project.

I also made banana bread muffins today, since we had 3 bananas that were more ripe than we like to eat out of hand.  When I make my banana bread muffins I like to make a variety of them with one batch, so I made some plain, some with walnuts, and more with chocolate chips.  I made an attempt to change around my usual recipe, and it turned out pretty good, except it was a little too sweet for my tastes.  That usually means it was perfect for my husband, which it was.  Perhaps I'll post my recipe sometime...

That's it for now!  Until next time.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Random Card Making Day!

I felt like making cards today, so I did.  Nothing spectacular, but maybe they may give some people out there ideas.

Card for wedding, housewarming, or an I love you.
First I made this greeting card, based on several other cards and a scrapbook page I've made.  I really like the saying, "home is where the heart is," which is why I have used it on a number of things already.  Previous cards I made used hand cut pieces of colored cardstock, which look beautiful, but can be tedious to make.  I wanted to try printing something out and this is what I came up with.  I designed a black and white version in Photoshop several weeks ago.  I came back to it today and added some color.  I like it, but not as much as the hand cut cards.  If I ever need a quick card for a wedding or housewarming at least I have this ready to go :).

I hope this would make someone smile.
This is truly a totally random card.  I wanted to make a card that reminded me of pictures I used to draw as a kid, they just make me happy.  This card was made with a mixture of paper punches and my handy X-acto Knife.  I'm not sure if I'm 100% done with this, I feel like there's still something missing, maybe a puffy cloud or a butterfly or bee flying around.  I was thinking that this card would work for most happy occasions or maybe to help cheer someone up.  Maybe next time I'll make the sun and flowers not so huge, ha ha.

For a baby shower or welcoming a new baby boy.
This was the last card I made this evening.  There are a TON of babies that will be born in the next 6 months, it's crazy.  For some reason most of them are boys (at least the ones I know about).  I figured that I could use this card at one point or another.  I was mostly playing with layers and colors.  Next time I make a similar card I would probably use less busy patterns or solid colors.  I love the little feet ribbon on the side.

That's it for now.  Maybe I'll have something new in a day or two.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Recipe: Salted Caramels

Remember that jar of salted caramels I made?  I think it's time I finally put up the recipe for it :).  Mind you, I'm new to candy making.  I've made this recipe a few times now though, so I feel comfortable sharing it with everyone.  I haven't messed it up yet, so hopefully if you try it, it'll work out beautifully!

The recipe I used is from here, and one of the major differences is I don't use Fluer de Sel since I've never found it (and I'm lazy to go buy it online).  I also cook the caramel mixture to a different temperature, so it's not as soft.  Enough rambling, and more recipe!

Salted Caramel Recipe

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recipe: Sweet and Crunchy Granola

I enjoy eating granola.  I don't eat it all the time, but from time to time I like to snack on it.  Besides eating it out of hand, my next favorite thing to do with granola is to add it to my yogurt with some fresh fruits.

I've made my own granola now for over a year now.  I originally made it for a secret Santa gift where I needed to give a present each day of the work week, of course the person I got wrote almost nothing that was within the budget except granola.  What I ended up doing was make a base granola, then added different things to it each day :).  First day he got it plain, the next dried berries, another day dried fruits, another extra nuts, and the last day chocolates.  He said his favorite was plain, and I tend to agree with him.

The recipe I will feature will be just the base recipe, but even there I will have optional items.  It simply depends on your tastes, or on what you have in your kitchen.

I did base this recipe on Alton Brown's granola recipe, but I have added more to it, and changed around a few things.  

Oatmeal Recipe:

Monday, July 23, 2012

3D Paper Butterflies

Sometimes I just like to make embellishments for fun.  Usually they're tests for cards, scrapbook pages, tags I have in mind, for my Etsy shop, or I really have no idea what to do and I just want to make something pretty.  I ended up refining these butterflies from decorations used at my daughter's birthday party.  Long story short, my aunt (who hosted the party) wanted me to make some decorations, showed me some pictures of butterflies, and I ended up making some 3D paper butterflies we could plaster around the place.  They aren't terribly big, 2"x1.75", but I thought they stood out against contrasting colors.

Since I didn't have a ton of time to get these done, I made a quick butterfly design in Adobe Photoshop that would fit my EK butterfly paper punch.  The design took me 5 minutes.  Photo credit goes to a friend, Mary, who does some very nice macro shots.
That was over 2 months ago, and I liked the initial idea and wanted to simply make it a little nicer.  I kept the general design, but I cleaned up the lines so they're smoother (at least to me).  I didn't necessarily take a ton of time with them, it probably took me 10-15 minutes, but in the end I came up with something I liked.

I made a lovely pastel rainbow of colors.  Each butterfly is 3 layers, the middle is vellum, I like how it turned out.  It's very subtle.

Friday, July 20, 2012

12x12 Paper Storage

I'm addicted to patterned and textured paper.  I love the stuff.  I use it with scrapbooking, making cards, making tags, sprucing up a blank gift bag, and whatever else my crazy brain can think up.  I have tons of paper, and I usually like to get a pad of 12x12 paper, for the variety (and it's cheaper than buying the individual sheets usually... I only buy them when they're on sale and/or have a coupon).  Storing all this paper has been a bit of a challenge for me, especially since I want something that will stand the paper upright (like a magazine or file holder), except it needs to be 12" deep, and also cheap!

I started doing this since my husband has been getting so many packages in the mail, many of which are priority mail boxes (13-5/8" x 11-7/8" x 3-3/8" sized).  Now it's not exactly 12" deep, but 11 7/8" is pretty close and works out alright.  I'll be using a new box for this tutorial, but the same idea can be translated to a used one, just be careful when cutting.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Baked Chicken Breast

In the fridge we had 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, and I figured it was about time I cooked them up.  Now I usually have a problem with overcooking chicken breast.  It's dry and not very tasty.  Welp, I decided to do a random search for baked chicken breast and found with lots of good reviews.  I used the recipe from Baked Chicken Breast, but as I tend to, I do things a little differently.  I'm pretty bad at following recipes, I'm also a cook who does not measure most of the time (unless I'm baking).  Anywho...

Baked Chicken Breast (serves 4)

Cleaning Challenge: My Desk Clean!

 There's still a few things that need to find a proper spot, but for the most part my desk is clean and clear!  I have plenty of space to work, and hopefully I'll get crafting soon :).  So if you remember what it looked like (not posted all that long ago), but here it is again, just for fun:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Salted Caramels

I was bitten by the candy making bug today, with my sweet-tooth coming in to play as well.  I made a batch of salted caramels.  I really like that it's fairly easy to make, doesn't have a huge ingredients list, and only needs 1 piece of special equipment (candy/fry thermometer).  I haven't messed this recipe up yet :).

I tried my best to take photos of the process, and I'll try to write up the recipe sometime in the near future (within the week maybe).  For now just stare at my jar of tasty, salty, chewy, caramel goodness.  Decided to take it outside for a quick photograph, I don't know why, but I kind of like how it turned out.

I already ate two pieces (as I wrapped them), and I think my sweet-tooth has already been satisfied.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cleaning Challenge: My Desk - Realization #1

I'm sad to admit this, but my mug/jar organizing system must go.  It simply doesn't use space efficiently enough.  It's a system I've used since I was a kid.  I already have an idea of how to do this, now let's see if I can actually do it (and stick to it).  I'll shop around to see if I can find something that will suit my needs.

Now what will I do with all those cool mugs I receive as gifts?  I guess drink some coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.  Too bad our cupboards are also filled to the brim with glasses and mugs.

On second thought, if I can find a way to keep a few of my mugs, I would probably be happier :). What's the point of having a working space if you don't have what you like around you?  I guess I'll just have to see what I can come up with.

Cleaning Challenge: My Desk

Here's the thing, I'm bad at cleaning and I'm horribly unorganized.  I'll try to clean, things will get kinda clean, and in less than a week whatever area/room that I cleaned will revert back to the mess it was (or worse).  I try different ways to organize myself, but nothing ever seems to stick.  I'm also lazy, I was about to say a bit lazy, but that would be an understatement.  In addition to all that, I think I simply have too much stuff.  I need to use my space efficiently.

To give you an idea of how bad things can get, here's a picture of my desk.  This is usually as bad as I'll let it get before I start cleaning.

I wrote little notes all over if you want to see what kind of junk has found it's way on my desk.  Not everything is listed obviously, but I say my captions cover the majority of stuff.  I also didn't take a picture of under my desk, which leaves very little room for my legs.

I used to actually have a scanner on the left side, so just imagine all of that stuff on top of an old scanner ha ha.  My challenge to myself will be to clean up my work space and organize a good chunk of my things.  This will include getting rid of things I don't need/don't want (the pack rat in me is screaming).  I won't give myself a deadline, but I may post periodic updates.  If I simply give up, I'll also let you know that.  If I do end up getting clean and organized, I can't say how long it will last.  I know if I complete this challenge my husband will be happy :).

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Baptism Card (Baby Girl)

Today we are going to a baptism of our friend's baby girl.  My husband said he'd look for a card when he went into Target (while I was in Micheals next door), well... he forgot to even look for it.  Of course I already figured if he couldn't find a nice one (or forgot) I would make the card.  I looked online for card ideas, both for the cover and something nice to say.  I sort of pulled together some ideas and tried them out.

My first attempt I was embellishing a cross, but it ended up looking weird and clunky (to me at least).  I decided simpler would be better.  I picked pink and white paper with a pearl/metallic like finish and started cutting and punching what I needed.

Cross and surrounding vellum is hand cut with scissors and a scalloped paper edger.  The pink  middle was punched with one of the Martha Stewart paper punch edgers.  The heart punched with another of Martha's punches.  I printed out a very simple Bible verse that fit a baptism, and there we have it!  The inside is just a simple message from us to the family, printed on vellum.
I wanted to embellish the card more, but I didn't want to over do it.  I really wanted a simple, clean look, which I feel I achieved.  I kind of wish I made the text on the front fit in nicer, but oh well.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Pan De Sal (Bread of Salt) Recipe

 Pan de sal is a Filipino bread/roll.  Despite the name translation, it doesn't taste at all like salt.  In fact it has a slightly sweet flavor.  We were lucky enough to have a few Filipino bakeries in our area, and it's something I grew up with.  I always wanted to learn how to make it, so of course I love the fact that I can turn to the internet for guidance.  I found the following recipe on Pasalang Pinoy, my ingredient list is the same as theirs, but I do some things different from their procedure.

Recipe (makes 24 small rolls):
Approximate time: 2 hours (or less) from beginning to end

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Last Minute/Late Night Papercrafting

I should stop waiting till the last minute to work on my cards for friends and family.  In less than 12 hours my brother will be getting married, and I should probably get to sleep soon.  I only have a few more details I want to put on my card for them, along with typing out something thoughtful for the inside.  I keep trying to think of a way to embellish the card even more, but honestly... I should just stop while it still looks decent ha ha.

If I remember to take a photo of the finished card, I'll post it up here :).  Hopefully I can remember...

Edit: I remembered!  I will also sleep right after this.

Tools of the trade.  I don't usually use that particular glue, but my desk is war zone, and my usual one is lost in it.  I find the one I did use causes the paper to wrinkle a bit (boo).

Finished product.  I had to look several times to made sure I spelled Shiela correctly, since it's not a usual spelling I'm familiar with.  By check, I mean look at Facebook ~_~.
 I did add a little on the inside of the card, but didn't want people to read my mushy stuff I wrote to my brother and his soon-to-be wife.  It also looked silly when I blurred it out, so no go.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Recipe: Steal Cut Oatmeal

For the past week I've been cooking and eating steal cut oatmeal, and I like the fact that I don't feel hungry too soon after I eat it.  I will make an attempt to eat steal cut oats more often, probably during the weekdays.  The year before I got pregnant I was pretty good about eating steal cut oats, but now it's almost been 2 years since I've made this a regular thing.  What I used to do was make a batch of steal cut oatmeal one evening, then I would either pack it in individual containers or one big ol' container and stuff it in the refrigerator (usually it depended on what containers were empty ha ha).  For the next few days we would have oatmeal for breakfast.

I love that my baby also is enjoying oatmeal with me!  I usually make her's a little less sweet, and I'll only add dried fruits (no nuts), and she likes it.  She'll point to the bowl when she wants more, which I think is so awesome.  I'm hoping she will continue to like it.

I have modified Alton Brown's recipe for steal cut oatmeal slightly (based on what I usually have on hand), and also on what I like.  You'll find I'm all about changing around recipes to suit what your tastes/needs are.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Craft Preparedness

So this weekend my sis-in-law got married, and it was fun, but they definitely made us work!  The wedding was held at a "Resort," although it was more like a small, upscale 6th grade camp location.  My husband, baby, and I went up the day before so that we could attend the wedding rehearsal and family/wedding party BBQ afterwards.  Before and after the rehearsal and dinner I was basically trying to keep myself helpful.  I asked what was needed, and apparently a box of some sort was needed for love letters and chocolates (something they used during the ceremony).

This is where the craft preparedness comes in.

I knew I would be needed to do some crafting or artsy thing while I was there, so I made sure to bring what I thought would be needed throughout the weekend.  What did I stuff in my bag o' art supplies?  A large pad of Bristol board, Prisma marker set (48), an X-acto knife, my cutting mat, scissors, double-sided tape runner, pencils, pens, and a sketchbook.  I used everything in my bag at least once.  I probably could have used more stuff, but everything turned out nice.

I was also in charge of embellishing a woven heart thing.  I wove some red tulle through the front of the heart.  I then took other colors of tulle and tied bows on the front.  Used some ribbon so it could be hung on this arch thingy the wedding party walked through.

The day of the wedding I was assigned to write all the names on some wooden blocks with chalk paint for everyone's place cards.  I kind of wish they had sanded the wood before they painted them, the names would have looked so much smoother and nicer, but they still looked super nice anyway (even if I wrote the names upside-down, oops!).

Everyone pitched in and I would say that everyone had a good time at the wedding.  It was definitely a group effort, that's for sure.  A ton of the stuff they did was DIY, and it turned out great.

... I also may have ANOTHER wedding to attend on Thursday lol.  Soooo much happening.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Last Minute Project

So I may or may not be designated to make someone's wedding program.  The idea was to make a fan program thing, since it's going to most likely be fairly warm/hot at the wedding location.  The wedding is in 3 days. I have no information yet.  So far I've only been sent a link to a template/tutorial thing found here DIY Fan Programs.  As nice as it looks, I'm trying to thing about the logistics of hand making each of these things in 2 days (I'm discounting part of today and part of Friday).  I have no idea if I'm expected to do this completely on my own, or if we're going to have some sort of "fan making party"... or something.

I'm trying to come up with a Plan B.  I do like the idea of this, but I'm trying to think of a way that wouldn't have to require all this cutting and piecing of fan pieces.  I do have an idea... not sure what the bride will think of it though.  I'll get more into later if I get approval, heck, I may still get into my idea even if I don't.

Oh, the stuff you do for loved ones.  I've been known to stay up late to completely projects, let's see what I do for this.

Edit:  So we didn't end up having to make any programs at all.  They definitely kept me busy before, during, and after the wedding.  They had some pretty awesome DIY stuff that I really liked.   Now that I think of it, I should have taken photos of what we all did.  Ah well.


After I made my idea book, I remembered I had some blank cards I picked up at the dollar section of Target.  I thought to myself that they might make a nice cover to a mini sketch/notebook!  This is what I ended up with :).

I just loved the cute citrus fruit design, not to mention the vibrant colors!

They aren't perfect, some pages are not quite the same length.  Let's just say it adds to it's charm?

My set of 7, because I totally messed up the eighth one.

I'm trying to think of a nice way to embellish the front for a little more pop and/or dimension.  If I start making a ton of random sketch/notebooks don't be surprised.  I have lots of cute cardstock and other supplies I can "waste" on this type of project.  Just what I needed, another type of craft...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Organizing Challenge: Ribbons Complete

After 3 sessions of working for an hour or two at a time I was able to completely organize my ribbons (most of them at least, some I left on their original spools since they are super thin).  Now if you look back at my previous post you can see a "before" picture of my, big ol' tote bag full of ribbon.  I took an idea I've seen on thread, using pieces of cardboard/chipboard/some other relatively stiff piece of material, and winding it around.  I know, it's a simple idea, and I'm fairly sure many other people use it, but I simply didn't do any searching on what other people did.  Anywho... this is what I did, and what it looks like.

I realize after that fact that taking pictures of this process is kind of silly, but since I took the pictures, I might as well use them.  I feel like I should really apologize how silly this post is /hangs head down low, sorry.

Organizing Challenge: Ribbons (and lots of them)

If you step into my work areas it won't surprise you to find that I have way more material than I actually use.  I'm also terrible at organizing things.  This leads me to piles and piles of stuff, half finished projects, extra pieces of old projects, rejected ideas, and more all over the place.  I think I'll try tackling my organizing needs one little step at a time.

I will tackle this...
I have a big ol' tote bag full of ribbon varying in width and length.  What's  problematic?  It's taking up too much space.  I've tried various ribbon holders with little luck, in fact I had mostly bad luck (clumsy me = breaking things).

I have an idea though.  Something that will hopefully make these ribbons less bulky, and easier to find what I need.

If you're wondering why I have so many, the only thing I can say is $1 section at a craft store is good/bad news for me.  I had a project in mind for most of it, but it's been derailed.  I will just use them periodically for my cards and scrapbook pages.

Welp, that's really it.  I'm going to see how this idea of mine works out.  It won't be fast, but hopefully it'll at least be decent.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Recipe: Blueberry Muffins

I love surfing the internet for new recipes!  I usually try to find the recipes that have rave reviews (and having all the ingredients on hand is nice).  This particular recipe I used can be found right here: To Die For Blueberry Muffins.  Not sure if they're to die for, I like being alive, but I found them to be pretty tasty!  Another plus is my husband, daughter, and other family members approve of it :).

Now, I'm notorious for changing around recipes, but I kept true to this recipe.  The only thing I did add was the flour to the blueberries.

Recipe (makes 12 muffins):


I think about half the time before I start working on a project I tend to sketch out a rough idea of what I want onto a piece of scrap paper (some random post-it, left over printer paper that only has the URL of some page, an envelope, or whatever that has blank space really).  I tried keeping a sketchbook for my ideas, so I can go back to it, and I don't have to sift through my messy, messy workspace... but I'll be honest, I keep misplacing the darned thing!  I want to keep my sketchbook in my bag, but it makes it heavy.  I want it on my desk, but I move it around when working on something and it gets buried under piles of papers.  Maybe it's just my scatterbrained way that I do things. 

I really need to find a better way to be organized with my ideas.  I think about how many times I've doodled down an idea only to have it disappear, and of course I don't remember the idea (unless I find my doodle).  I'll try to do a better job of keeping track of my ideas, sketchbook, and doodles, and maybe try to show the process that I sometimes go through in order to create something!

I'm still trying to feel out this blog thing.  Hopefully I'll start posting actual projects, recipes, tips, and what not soon enough.

Okay, I still can't find my sketchbook, it's lost somewhere in the house (as often happens to me, I can live with that).  I decided I'm just going to make my own book I can jot down ideas and sketches.

Materials List: Cardstock (something kind of stiff), copy/printer/blank paper (10-15 sheets), stapler that can staple through said 10-15 sheets (with staples would help), and something to make it pretty... black marker, why not?!?

This is what I ended up with (also, nevermind the stuffed wind rider... I used to play Alliance in World of Warcraft, not Horde).

  I'm already thinking of making another one, but smaller.  I'll call it "My Little Big Idea Book" ha ha.  I also just thought of sticking all my stupid post-it notes inside of it too.  Then my ideas will be all in the same place at least :).

If I had some decorative tape, I could add that to the spine... and BAM!  Something to add a little extra to it.  I better go write that idea in my book.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


It's been a long time since I've tried blogging or keeping some sort of online journal of any type, but I figure I'll try it out again.  This time with less focus on whining and complaining to my friends, and more focus on sharing some things that I enjoy.  Hopefully I may be able to get to writing tutorials and/or recipes (with pictures and the whole shebang if I get motivated), or point to places where I've gone to find information.  I'll just have to see where this will go.

I'll also apologize in advance... grammar and spelling were never my strong points.  Beware of run-on sentences, using too many commas, ellipses, and things that would make an English teacher cringe.